Category Archives: Game Updates

Updating: Who, What and Where of the Satisfactory base!

When sleepless nights, long hours of sipping coffee finally pay off. That is when your base in satisfactory is finally up and running, then you can look into the horizon and think, what’s next.


Well the base is coming along. I have started working on tier 4. Finally got coal power up and running, so with the server running 24 hours a day, it will keep generating the goods. That is one reason why I don’t worry so much about balancing resources right now. With coal comes steel, and a lot of work lol.

Well if you like to work on the base, feel free to join. Looks like someone may have already.

Seriously I have no idea who this is. They were offline, just sitting and sipping their coffee.

Well if you are on, or planning to visit, leave a comment.

I’ll post updates as the base progresses.

